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Vol 10, No 5 (2024)
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5-14 60

   Introduction. The establishment of the dominance of postmodernism as a key paradigm of philosophical knowledge raised the question of the subject of social philosophy as a philosophical discipline that studies the problems of sociality in relation to a person. On the one hand, this led to a crisis in the social sciences, since social philosophy lost its status as a metascience in the structure of social knowledge. On the other hand, it expanded the subject field of social philosophy, including in it objects to which the interest of social philosophers had never been directed (inanimate objects, animals).

   Methodology and sources. The basis of the methodology of the work is the methods of critical analysis and comparative studies, which allows us to describe the logic of the development of the problem of the loss of the unity of its subject by social philosophy within the framework of events of both real and intellectual history.

   Results and discussion. The article makes an attempt to describe possible transformations of the thematic field of social philosophy in the process of transition from postmodernity to metamodernity. The author, analyzing the recognized problem of modern social philosophy (its fragmentation, the absence of an object of study), demonstrates the possibility of its defragmentation during the metamodern period when research interest is turned to such issues as the study of man as a social being, the influence of new technologies on the transformation of man and the social, the rethinking of the social in the explosive development of technology, and finally, the study of the dialectics of social emotions on society and man.

   Conclusion. The author comes to the conclusion that in its current state, fragmented social philosophy is not ready for subject reorientation, which means the need for qualitative changes in the subject of social philosophy.

15-30 45

   Introduction. The article discusses the conceptual foundations of a new field of knowledge – cognitive securitology.

   The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the main means of cognitive warfare are modern digital technologies, while the object of influence of technical systems is mental systems, therefore there is a need to combine technical and humanitarian conceptual apparatus.

   The purpose of the article is to clarify the concept of “cognitive space” and distinguish between the concepts of information and cognitive spaces.

   Methodology and sources. One of the basic concepts of cognitive security is the concept of cognitive space, which has already been developed in linguistics, but due to the interdisciplinary nature of cognitive securitology needs to be clarified. Placing the category of cognitive space in the field of linguistic analysis narrows its content and does not make it possible to determine its semantic boundaries.

   The novelty of the analysis of the category “cognitive space” lies in the fact that the conceptual analysis of the category of cognitive space is based on the concept of self-organizing systems and the structural-functional approach.

   The concept of autopoiesis assumes that all elements and structures of the system, including cognitive ones, arise in order to ensure self-preservation, and the structural-functional approach allows us to determine the content and functions of the object.

   Results and discussion. Information space and cognitive space are intersecting but not coinciding fields, differing in their domains, but having one common task – ensuring the stability of the social system.

   Conclusion. The modern era is characterized by a global confrontation between civilizational systems and the transition of the confrontation into the phase of proxy wars, in which the main role is given to cognitive-psychological influence. Cognitive-psychological influence on the enemy is not only carried out at the preventive and preemptive stages of confrontation, but also often replaces other forms of war. Cognitive-psychological influence becomes possible and is carried out through the destruction of the cognitive space in which meanings and ideals that are specific to the social system function, which form goals and models of activity.

31-42 84

   Introduction. The purpose of the article is to systematize the world-system prerequisites for terrorist threats, to show the place of terrorism within the theoretical structures of the movement of capital in the world-system and the maturation of contradictions in the functioning of its cycle.

   Methodology and sources. The authors use the “Figure-ground movement” method proposed by T. K. Hopkins and consider the world-system as a background for the study of terrorism. Refocusing perception makes it possible to more clearly see the connections between terrorism and the world-system. The geopolitical concept of R. Collins and M. Crenshaw’s concept of the development of terrorist organizations are used as theoretical foundations in addition to the world-system approach.

   Results and discussion. A series of successive refocuses were carried out to identify the connections between terrorism and the contradictions of the capitalist world-system. As a result, it was shown that the hegemon and the core states achieve success by maintaining a «civilized» order in the world-system by declaring the values of centrist liberalism. However, it must be recognized that states often use less expensive than the introduction of regular troops, but illegitimate means of terror to protect their interests. Terror can be used in the struggle for power when core states include their economies in a network of cumulative vectors. A number of prerequisites were discovered after a refocus from terrorism to the movement of capital in the world-system cycle. The movement of capital from the core to the periphery increases social inequality and causes the growth of national and ethnic differences that can feed separatist ideologies of terrorism. The outflow of capital from the economies of non-core areas increases the ability of the political force that has challenged the hegemon and the core states to mobilize the population under anti-system slogans that can fuel international terrorism. Based on the obtained theoretical models, the prerequisites for terrorist activity on the territory of the USSR and in the post-Soviet space were briefly described.

   Conclusion. The authors emphasize that the resulting theoretical models require additional verification. The next stage in the study of the causes of terrorism should be an analysis of the mechanisms of formation of terrorist organizations based on specific cases.


43-53 52

   Introduction. Based on a generalization of approaches to defining the concept of “sociocultural institution” and highlighting its inherent characteristics, in this article the author attempts to identify the status of genealogical research in Russia, which attracts an interest from an increasing number of people.

   The main goal and task set by the author is to determine the prospects for the development of genealogical research in Russia and the possibility of transforming its status to the level of a sociocultural institution.

   Methodology and sources. The author relies on the works of domestic and foreign researchers on the problem of institutionalization in culture (such as M. Weber, Au. Comte, M. Hauriou, E. Durkheim, P. Sorokin, A.A. Radugin, O.A. Radugina, etc.), on the problems of human satisfaction of values (G. Hegel and K. Marx). The author also used articles and abstracts of dissertations on genealogy from 2000 to 2024, materials of social networks and podcasts: “GEN-TOK”, “History of you & GENTECH”, “Living Book” by I. Bivol, electronic journal “Genealogy for the whole family”, etc., video materials of GENTECH festivals.

   Results and discussion. When considering the main features of a sociocultural institution and drawing a parallel with the level of demand for genealogical research, the author focuses on the diversity of meanings in the content of the activities carried out by participants in this process. Summarizing the functions that genealogical research could perform in the formation of spiritual and moral values of society, the author draw the parallel with the provisions of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2024 N 145 “On the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation”.

   Conclusion. The results of the study allowed us to conclude that genealogical research in Russia is currently more of a sociocultural activity, about which we have heard a lot and know little. It has not become a familiar form, and, therefore, in demand and understandable for the majority of Russian families, but it has every chance of becoming not only a factor in their unity and the formation of historical memory, but also a traditional socio-cultural activity that is the norm in society, and not the exception.

54-64 55

   Introduction. The article proposes an aesthetic aspect of describing communication between journalists and politicians. The dramaturgical, image and consumer contexts of media communication, which, in our opinion, contain an aesthetic component, are problematized. An aesthetic look at the topic traditionally attributed to political science or sociological fields of knowledge allows us to see aspects of human activity that are perhaps less noticeable, but no less influential on the reproduction of the social order.

   Methodology and sources. The analysis of the situations discussed in the article is implemented in the tradition of interpretive sociology, which considers social communication as a constitutive factor in the behavior and activities of people. The principles of dramaturgical sociology of I. Hoffmann, theoretical observations of authors working in the field of symbolic politics, conceptual reasoning set out in F. Ankersmit’s essay “Political Representation” are used, in particular the term “representation” he uses in relation to the politician.

   Results and discussion. Situations that can be classified as negative communication between journalists and politicians were selected for analysis. The latter is defined as an action that can provoke negative emotions and feelings of communication participants, and thus disorient them regarding the development and consequences of the communicative situation. The obtained research results confirm that the concept of “negative communication” allows us to capture not only the emotional mode of professional activity and interprofessional communication of politicians and journalists, but also to offer an aesthetic view of professional communication.

   Conclusion. Situational analysis of conflicts in a professional environment, implemented in the tradition of interpretive sociology, reveals their spectacularity, predicting the forms of experience, and allows us to consider them, on the one hand, as works of art, on the other, as moral stories for social education. Aesthetic political representation is the most important need of any civil society, and its implementation is inextricably linked with political education.

65-77 51

   Introduction. Jazz music originated in New Orleans at the beginning of the 20th century, based on a mixture of European and African musical cultures, and united a number of population groups, including oppressed people. Later, for several decades, it became the basis of mass musical culture. Jazz is still very popular in Russia today. In light of the above, sociological interest is raised by the question of the characteristics of the environment in which performers and listeners of this music interact in modern St. Petersburg, as well as the characteristics of their status, personal attitudes, perception of various meanings with which they associate their (in all meanings) musical world. Jazz is considered as a way of emotional communication, a means of intellectual self-expression, and a special social environment.

   Methodology and sources. The sources used are works on the sociology of everyday life (H. Garfinkel, E. Goffman, A. Fischer, A. Manstead), interpersonal communication (O.I. Matyash, N.V. Kazarinova, etc.), history and description of jazz music (J.L. Collier, A. Rondarev). The methodological framework of the study is the theory of social representations by S. Moscovici and the social constructionist theory of emotions. Expert interviews and questionnaires were used as data collection methods.

   Results and discussion. Based on the results of the expert interview, the following conclusions were drawn: jazz is the music of inner freedom, which is characterized by an improvisational approach to playing; Jazz is characterized by a positive emotional charge, which distinguishes it from other styles and has a connection with mass popularity in the mid-20th century and leaves its mark on the modern jazz subculture and the people involved in it; Students of the pop-jazz department differ from those performing more modern music by a greater degree of “immersion” in their studies, motivation, and concentration in professional activities. Based on the results of a survey of applicants and students of the St. Petersburg Music College named after. M.P. Mussorgsky authors made conclusions: an artist’s performance can be considered as a process of constructing emotional states; in the perception of a modern jazz performer, the original protest character of this music is lost, but a strong association with internal freedom, which historically accompanied jazz, remains; for most young jazzmen, playing jazz is not just a future profession, but part of their lifestyle and personality, and is also perceived as the main thing in life; The jazz performing community is characterized as close-knit and its members are dedicated professionals.

   Conclusion. Jazz music at the time of its inception was, on the one hand, a means of self-expression, demonstrating one’s difference from others. On the other hand, it acted as a source of formation of close-knit communities of people, and also, due to the positive emotional charge it carries, the ability to withstand not always favorable living conditions, and to find the support of a like-minded person; to be free internally even in the absence of external freedom. Based on the results of our research, it seems that these characteristics have retained their importance for jazz music performers in modern St. Petersburg.

78-90 66

   Introduction. Under the backdrop of market economy and social transformation in China, the class structure of society has undergone profound changes, and the traditional class division is no longer relevant. However, there are still some unresolved problems in the study of social strata in China. The lack of diversity and comparability of research methods limits the depth and scope of research. Relatively few studies have been conducted on some emerging classes. Research on the relationship between social class and other social issues is insufficient, such as the relationship between class and education, class and income distribution, etc., are still limited.

   Methodology and sources. At present, a social classification model has been proposed to study social stratification in China, taking into account the characteristics of China's national conditions. A large number of empirical studies have revealed the evolution and characteristics of China's social class structure. The mechanism of social class formation and the factors influencing them have been studied, which has provided theoretical support for social development. Modern stratification models of Chinese authors have been used for the analysis in comparison with traditional models.

   Results and discussion. The study of social stratification in China inherited the theoretical framework and empirical research methods of Western social scientists, and there are also attempts to develop its own model of social stratification in combination with the actual situation in China. The structure of social stratification in China is characterized by the need to take into account the state redistribution system and the market economy model. However, there is a consensus that government officials are at the top of the social hierarchy, and the class of peasants and unemployed are at the bottom of society; mental workers (white collars) are higher than manual workers (blue collars). The results of studies on the impact of human capital on social stratification show that gender and educational level have universal significance in society; household registration system and housing type are special independent variables that affect social stratification in China more than in other countries, etc. However, there is a lack of relevant empirical studies that could provide specific quantitative data showing how independent variables affect social stratification in China. Many new social and professional groups have emerged in Chinese society. In recent years, some Chinese scholars have studied such specific social and professional groups, the most widespread and in demand in the labor market in China, taking into account the digitalization processes.

   Conclusion. It is necessary to further explore the methods and models of social stratification suitable for China's national conditions so as to cover the characteristics of social class diversity. It is necessary to strengthen the research on the relationship between social class and other social issues so as to provide more effective policy recommendations for social development. It is also necessary to strengthen the research on emerging classes, pay attention to their social status, mobility and responsibilities, and provide more effective support and guidance for their development.


91-101 49

   Introduction. Modeling geopolitical images using anthropometric methods is a new and relevant direction in modern scientific knowledge. The article examines the image of the Brest region through the prism of the linguistic consciousness of the inhabitants of the Brest region.

   Methodology and sources. The theoretical basis of this study was the work of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of linguistic research methods (A.A. Zalevskaya, N.I. Kurganova, A.V. Rudakova, O.N. Seliverstova, I.A. Sternin, N.V. Akovantsev, etc.), psycholinguistics and linguistic consciousness (E.I. Goroshko, A.A. Zalevskaya, L.O. Butakova, Yu.N. Karaulov, A.A. Leontiev, A.P. Klimenko, Z.D. Popova, I.A. Sternin, E.F. Tarasov, N.V. Ufimtseva, etc.). The study was carried out within the framework of the project “Brest region through the eyes of people of different professions” together with the main department of ideological work and youth affairs of the Brest Regional Executive Committee. The research material was 1062 associations obtained during a free association experiment, in which 400 representatives of the cultural sphere took part.

   Results and discussion. During the association experiment, the free association technique was used. In the questionnaires, respondents were asked to write 3–5 associations for the stimulus phrase “Brest region” within a limited time period. Based on the obtained associative reactions, an associative field was formed and 9 thematic groups were identified. Based on the ranking of thematic groups in accordance with quantitative data, layers in the cognitive structure of the image of the Brest region are identified.

   Conclusion. An association experiment is the most effective method that allows us to identify the attitude of residents of a region to the surrounding reality. This attitude is expressed by linguistic means and reflects the understanding of the world, its conceptualization, as well as the strategy of communication and verbal existence of the individual.

102-114 54

   Introduction. The article considers the adaptation of proper names in English and Russian translations of French comics about Asterix. The series of comics is entertaining and relies mainly on non-verbal humor and verbal humor, come out in the symbolism of names.

   The relevance of the study is associated with the growing number of content in which proper names and the meaning invested in them by the authors are symbolic.

   The purpose of this study is to demonstrate how compensation helps to preserve or, if preservation is impossible, having a different meaning, to convey the effect in a proper name so that the translation fits harmoniously into the text.

   Methodology and sources. The main research methods are semantic analysis by means of which the semantic content of the name in the original langauage is detrmined, and the comparative method, with the help of which the common properties and differences of proper names in the original and translations are identified, and how compensation helps to compensate for the loss of meaning, if it occurs. The empirical basis of the study was five issues of comics about the adventures of Asterix and their translations into Russian and English.

   Results and discussion. The most significant examples of proper names are examined in details, which includes: firstly, the linguistic techniques used by the authors of the original texts, and secondly, the decisions made by the translators, which depends both on the nature of the target language (English and Russian) and on the relationships between the image and text. The overwhelming majority of proper names have undergone semantic transformation, due to the impossibility of conveying the semantic content of the name using TL. Transformations were made either with an emphasis on the visual component or the personal qualities of the character.

   Conclusion. In the comics about Asterix, proper names play a important role, emphasizing the uniqueness of the works and their humorous tone. Considering the large number of comics, the analysis of these categories of language cannot be called comprehensive, but we can highlight the general principle according to which the adaptation took place. Thanks to compensation, the translators managed to maintain this tone, using it when transferring names.

115-128 56

   Introduction. The article examines issues related to the difficulties of describing poorly ordered terminologies. Domestic terminologists traditionally include choreography terminology among such types. This terminological area provides unique material for research, since it combines verbal specialized knowledge, as well as graphic illustrative explanatory support to clarify and record the body movements of performers. In connection with the development of the anthropocentric direction in linguistics, the study of the terminology of classical choreography, as well as the terms of folk dances, provides an opportunity to comprehend the technologies of art, in which the direct relationship of emotions, movement, strength of folk character, expression of freedom and the joy of being is manifested.

   Methodology and sources. Interest in the study of the terminology of humanitarian, economic and legal disciplines has become widespread in recent decades. The changed social context and social landscape have highlighted a huge layer of terminological vocabulary that was previously not in demand for large-scale terminology research.Methods of cognitive terminology allow us to consider not only systemic phenomena in terminology, categorization and conceptualization of special knowledge, but also key concepts that develop in synchrony and diachrony. The descriptive method and the method of definitional analysis are decisive for this work. The studied English terms of Irish folk dance were obtained by continuous sampling from original literature, terminological dictionaries and glossaries.

   Results and discussion. The uniqueness of the Irish folk dance terminology nomination lies, firstly, in the use of two languages: English and Gaelic. Secondly, the spread of the Irish diaspora across different continents creates the preconditions for the development of dance schools around the world and the consolidation of this bilingual terminology. In addition, organizing certification of teachers and holding festivals and competitions at the regional and world level contributes to the standardization of not only dances, but also terms. It seems that the publication of the best examples of dance heritage and recording them for posterity helped create the characteristic performing culture that we have seen in recent decades.

   Conclusion. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the sphere of choreographic terminology in general and the terminology of Irish folk dances is an insufficiently studied area due to objective difficulties caused by the use of a combination of verbal and non-verbal resources to characterize dance movements. In addition, the study shows that the peculiarity of the terminological nomination, which, for historical reasons, preserves the balance of two languages, gives particular specificity to the contexts in which these terminological units operate.

129-140 70

   Introduction. This paper examines the methodology of text analysis using phono-semantic assessment based on the “VAAL-mini” program. The study includes an analysis of the original text and its translation to identify the author's tonality and its [non]preservation in the translation.

   The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the application of psycholinguistic methods in the interpretation of V.P. Belyanin and the use of quantitative text analysis methods.

   The novelty of the research lies in employing the domestic linguistic computer program “VAAL-mini” as a tool capable of categorizing emotional elements of the text.

   Methodology and sources. The methodological foundation of the research is a psycholinguistic approach to assessing the quality of translation, which justifies the significance of the author category in the interpretation and translation of fiction texts. It also allows for an examination of how translation affects the perception and emotional response of the reader, as well as how accurately the translator conveys the cognitive and emotional aspects of the original text. The primary research method proposed is a quantitative method using the computer program “VAAL-mini”, which is capable of categorizing the emotional elements of the text. The material for the study is the novel by P. Suskind “Perfume: The Story of a Murderer” and its translation into Russian by E.V. Vengerova.

   Results and discussion. The literature review conducted allows for tracing the current state of psycholinguistics as per Belyanin and its developmental dynamics. In accordance with the identified concept, we performed a comprehensive analysis of P. Suskind's work “Perfume: The Story of a Murderer” and its Russian translation. The results of this analysis help to gain a deeper understanding of the emotional and lexical components of the text, as well as to assess the quality of the translation. The integration of a psycholinguistic approach with modern quantitative analysis methods-using corresponding computer programs enables a more comprehensive understanding of the studied work.

   Conclusion. As a result of the analysis based on determining the type of text using the linguistic application VAAL-mini, findings were obtained that refuted the external (qualitative) impression of stylistic and emotional equivalence between Süskind's original text and E.V. Vengerova's translation of the novel. This result demonstrates the viability of the proposed methodology for assessing translation quality.


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ISSN 2412-8562 (Print)
ISSN 2658-7777 (Online)